Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cities of the Poor

Hi all,
Here is a great link. I recommend Public Radio International's Cities of the Poor which is part of an ongoing series on urbanization. This is such a great program because it addresses the experience of slum dwellers in several regions of the world- with input from people living there, members of government, researchers, developers, and economists. It really illustrates how infinitely complex an issue can become when you take into account the interests of all parties involved.

1 comment:

Ari Berkowitz said...

Such an interesting and important issue. It seems that this is the front line or where the action is in international public health. I have read a little about slum settlements and these places are amazing in both good and bad aspects. The obvious is the extremely low standards of living due to poor sanitation, violence, housing legitimacy, economic opportunities, the massive numbers and on and on. But the good part is that in some places these settlements, which are the size of large cities often, are being recognized as viable places for economic growth. I read a story about the slums of either Sao Paolo or Rio and it said that many people had become so established in the slum and had built a nest egg that they could upgrade their homes every few years. And more interestingly non slum businesses were moving in and building bank branches, wiring public electricity and cable television, and public water works because these populations had become a major source of untapped revenue for public and private enterprises.